Remembering 9/11

Monday marks the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York City, Washington DC and Pennsylvania, in which over 3,000 lives were lost. For many of us who are well out of college, we likely will never forget where we were when we found out about the attacks.

Earlier this year, a couple of guests on Throwing Bagels spoke about that tragic day, and we wanted to share their stories with you.

Houston Astros radio broadcaster Robert Ford recalls covering 9/11 while working at a small newspaper in Manhattan, which was his first job out of college:

You can listen to Robert’s full podcast here: Part 1 | Part 2

New York Mets radio executive producer Ray Martel recalls driving by the World Trade Center days before they fell, and remembers how the first Mets game in New York after the attacks reminded New Yorkers that it was okay to smile again.

You can listen to Ray’s full podcast here.


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