Throwing Bagels Episode 58 - Lou Borrelli
CEO of the National Content & Technology Cooperative - and fellow Oswego grad - Lou Borrelli joins the Throwing Bagels Podcast to talk about what the future holds for cable TV and streaming, discuss why he founded what is now known as the Dr. Lewis B. O’Donnell Media Summit, and share his experience of having Al Roker assigned to him as a student mentor back in his days at Oswego.

Throwing Bagels Episode 42- Briana Watson
Al Roker Entertainment executive assistant and fellow SUNY Oswego alum Briana Watson joins the Throwing Bagels Podcast to provide a glimpse of what it’s like to work with one of SUNY Oswego’s most famous Lakers; she also recaps a recent whirlwind of a day that included a selfie with the President of the United States, discusses the challenge of attending college during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and shares how an internship application submitted about 60 seconds before the deadline set her on her career path. Plus, Kevin shares a Top 5 list of his own.